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Articles By This Author

Charity In The Dioceses Natural disasters

Molong’s Ukrainian refugees return the favour

Little did the volunteers preparing a home for Ukrainian refugees in central west New South Wales know that just weeks later they would find themselves homeless and in need of charity from those they had welcomed. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Aged Care

Tasmanian health provider ‘deserves praise, not brickbats’

Catholic Health Australia has defended the record of Tasmania’s largest aged care provider, Southern Cross Care, as it adjusts to a new funding regime and continues to offer care despite the massive financial headwinds facing the sector.

Family Violence In The Dioceses

Fr Mick’s plan to end domestic violence

Townsville Diocese priest Fr Mick Lowcock has warned that more support for early intervention programs is needed to stop the scourge of domestic violence that is resulting in high numbers of Indigenous men going to jail. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Advent Reflection

Rediscovering the three ‘comings’ of Christ this Advent

The season of Advent, which began yesterday, is a time of spiritual renewal – a chance to start again and to rediscover the joy of knowing Jesus Christ. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Peace Pope Francis Ukraine

Pope tells Ukrainians: ‘Your pain is my pain’

Nine months after the eruption of war in Ukraine, Pope Francis sent a letter on Friday to the Ukrainian people praying for peace and saying he shares in their suffering. Source: Crux.

China Vatican

Vatican says China violated terms of agreement with bishop installation

The Vatican said on Saturday that Chinese authorities had violated the terms stipulated in its provisional agreement on the appointment of bishops. Source: CNA.

Abortion United Kingdom

British woman to continue legal fight to stop Down syndrome abortions

A British woman with Down syndrome is to take her fight to halt abortions up to birth for babies with her genetic condition to the Supreme Court after the Court of Appeal rejected her case. Source: Catholic Herald.

Education In The Dioceses

Bishop Gauci wants freedom protections enshrined in law

Darwin Bishop Charles Gauci wants to see public comments affirming that Catholic schools can expect employees to respect the Catholic ethos to be enshrined in law, following the passage of amendments to the Northern Territory’s Anti-Discrimination Act.

Euthanasia Politics

Coalition pushes for amendments to territory rights bill

The Coalition is trying to amend a bill allowing the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory to make euthanasia legal so safeguards are in place should the territories win the ability to end people’s lives. Source: The Australian.