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CathNews launches new website and newsletter design

CathNews has today unveiled its new website and a new newsletter design, marking the first revamp of the longstanding news aggregation service in many years.

Papal Trip Women

Women must be given equal rights: Pope

A society that does not give women the same rights and opportunities as men will become impoverished, Pope Francis said at the end of a four-day visit to Bahrain. Source: CNS.

Health Opinion Social Justice

Prisoners have right to ‘care, compassion and healing’

Just as Jesus offered redemption to thieves and tax collectors, so must Catholics routinely consider our similarly marginalised prisoner population, writes Catholic Health Australia’s Brigid Meney. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Aged Care

Aged care workers win 15 per cent pay rise

Aged care workers will receive a 15 per cent pay boost after the Fair Work Commission handed down its decision in the high-profile wage case backed by the Albanese Government. Source: The Age.


Helena’s family and friends reach for the stars

Helena’s House co-founder Fiona McIlwain said she felt blessed to see her daughter Helena’s dream of building a house for people with disabilities get one step closer thanks to community support for an upcoming fundraising walk. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Food Security HIgher Education

Catholic universities join forces with UN to tackle world hunger

A new agreement has been forged between the international Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to address the world’s food and health inequalities. Source: ACU.

Arts and Entertainment

Father Stu KOs swearing and religious profanity

An edited version of Mark Wahlberg’s latest Catholic film, Father Stu, is being released next month with the aim of widening the audience to include more families with children. Source: CNA.


Catholic sector welcomes plan to boost teacher numbers

The National Catholic Education Commission and Australian Catholic University have welcomed the draft National Teacher Workforce Action Plan released yesterday by the federal Education Minister Jason Clare.

Cost Of Living

No short-term relief for stretched family budgets

The war in Ukraine, the pandemic and extreme weather events are among the factors contributing to “terrifying” soaring costs of petrol, electricity and gas, says Australian Catholic University’s Andrew Papadimos. Source: The Catholic Weekly.