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Articles By This Author

Pope Francis

Where there is too much ‘I’ there is too little God: Pope

In his Sunday Angelus address, Pope Francis warned that “spiritual arrogance” can lead to adoration of one’s ego instead of God. Source: CNA.

Vatican World

Vatican renews China deal on bishops

The Vatican has announced it has renewed its agreement with China on the appointment of bishops, extending a deal struck in 2018. Source: The Tablet.

Religious Freedom

Archbishop backs Equal Opportunity Act amendment

Melbourne Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli has backed the Coalition’s proposal to amend Victoria’s Equal Opportunity Act to allow religious schools to hire staff on the basis of faith. Source: Guardian Australia.


CHA: Nobody should be left behind in future pandemics

Catholic Health Australia says Peter Shergold’s findings about the way Australia handled the COVID pandemic reminds society of its duty to look after the most vulnerable.

Social Justice

Social justice advocate takes on new national role

Long-time Brisbane-based social justice advocate Peter Arndt has commenced a new role as director of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference’s Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


Writing the playbook on playgroups

Australian Catholic University has partnered with Playgroup Australia to help develop a national Playgroup Statement outlining the purpose, benefits and future direction of playgroups.


Victoria signs off on history-making treaty process

The final steps in Victoria’s history-making treaty process were signed off on Thursday, in a moment that could jump-start some negotiations a year ahead of schedule. Source: The Age.


Reports confirm decline in volunteering

The sobering reality underpinning Volunteering Australia’s national strategy on volunteering is now apparent, with the release of two research reports into the state of volunteering in Australia. Source: ProBono News.


Mater People ‘do extraordinary things every day’

More than 150 guests from across Queensland attended the 2022 Mater People Awards recognising outstanding achievements across Mater’s health, education, research and foundation ministries. Source: Catholic Leader.