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Africa Appeal

Displacement camps a recipe for disaster: Caritas

Caritas Australia has launched an urgent appeal for communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo, who have faced escalating conflict and displacement since the rebel militia group M23 seized part of the country’s east last year.


Pope prays for peace in South Sudan

Pope Francis says he is following with concern the news about violent clashes in South Sudan, ahead of his February ecumenical pilgrimage of peace to the East African country. Source: Vatican News.


Congolese Catholics take to the streets to protest increasing violence

Catholics and other Christians in the Democratic Republic of Congo took to the streets on Sunday to protest increasing violence, often caused when neighbouring countries seek the nation’s valuable minerals. Source: CNS.

Africa Ecumenism

Pope to visit South Sudan in February

Pope Francis’ postponed visit to South Sudan will go ahead in early February 2023, the Vatican has announced. Source: The Tablet.

Africa Appeal

Salesian launch emergency appeal for displaced Africans

Salesian Missions Australia has launched an emergency relief appeal for the Horn of Africa, where the Salesians of Don Bosco are providing access to food relief, education, basic necessities and agriculture programs.


Congolese bishops announce march for peace amid ongoing violence

Bishops in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have lamented the “serious” state of violence in the country and have called for prayer, fasting and a special march for peace. Source: Crux.