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Europe Human Rights

Patrick hailed as saint for victims of human trafficking

St Patrick has been celebrated as a patron for human trafficking victims and migrants in a statement by the Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, Eamon Martin. Source: The Tablet.

Human Rights

Commission proposes model for human rights laws

Politicians and public servants could soon be forced to consider human rights in policy-making and decision-making processes if a push to establish human rights laws is adopted by the Albanese Government. Source: Canberra Times.

Human Rights

Anti-slavery network joins push to protect exploited migrants

The Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network has added its voice to introduce better protections and pathways to seek a remedy for people on temporary visas who experience exploitation in Australia. 

HIgher Education Human Rights

ACU to add modern slavery studies for all students

All undergraduate students at Australian Catholic University will complete training to identify and respond to modern slavery following a pilot project with the Sydney Archdiocese. Source: Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network.

Human Rights India

Church leader hails crackdown on ‘social evil’ of child marriages in India

A Catholic bishop has hailed the move to curb child marriages in India’s northeastern state of Assam, amid international agencies reporting millions of child marriages in the country. Source: UCA News.

Human Rights Modern Slavery

Students respond to Pope Francis’ call

Australian and New Zealand Catholic secondary school students are responding to a call from Pope Francis to be the changemakers in the struggle against human trafficking. Source: ACRATH. 

Human Rights

Australia risks UN blacklisting after failing to meet prison obligations

Australia risks being placed on a human rights blacklist alongside such countries as South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo by failing to meet its obligations in prison oversight under a UN anti-torture treaty. Source: The Guardian.

Human Rights Social Justice

Catholics ‘must act’ for racial justice to honour Martin Luther King’s struggle

Catholics “must act” for racial justice, starting with personal conversion, to honour Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s struggle and eliminate racial injustices, says the president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Source: OSV News/NCR.

Employment Human Rights

Supermarket giant joins call to lift conditions for seasonal workers

Coles is calling for enforceable, uniform housing standards for seasonal farm workers and rules against unfairly docking their pay to prevent overseas labourers from living in poverty. Source: The Age.