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Education Religious Freedom

Catholic Education calls for legislation to protect faith-based schools

The National Catholic Education Commission says it looks forward to progress on religious protections that enable Catholic schools to continue to operate according to their values and beliefs.

Education Religious Freedom

Queensland parents petition against proposed law

Thousands of Queensland parents are petitioning against proposed laws that could prevent Christian schools from discriminating against employees who do not share their religious beliefs. Source: Courier-Mail.

Religious Freedom

Archbishop backs Equal Opportunity Act amendment

Melbourne Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli has backed the Coalition’s proposal to amend Victoria’s Equal Opportunity Act to allow religious schools to hire staff on the basis of faith. Source: Guardian Australia.

Religious Freedom

Victorian Liberals pledge to wind back controversial law

Faith-based hiring has just become a Victorian state election issue, with the Liberal Opposition pledging to allow religious schools to select all staff according to their faith. Source: Herald Sun.

Migrants Religious Freedom

Tehan warns migrants might not come to Australia

Opposition immigration spokesman Dan Tehan says migrants with religious views may be deterred from coming to Australia because political correctness has eroded their freedoms and cowed others from speaking out in defence. Source: The Australian.

Religious Freedom

Albanese urged to protect religious beliefs in law

Faith leaders are urging Anthony Albanese to reverse his opposition to a “statements of belief” clause in religious discrimination laws to protect people of faith from being sacked over voicing their beliefs. Source: The Australian.

Religious Freedom

‘Little shrine’ dedicated to persecuted Christians

Visitors to Brisbane’s St Stephen’s Cathedral are encouraged to pray at a new “little shrine” for Christians who are persecuted worldwide. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Religious Freedom

Andrews kicks back, Costello pushes for bill of rights

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews responded to criticism from faith leaders over Andrew Thornburn’s short stint as Essendon Football Club chief, as Baptist minister Tim Costello called for a national religious bill of rights. Source: The Age

Religious Freedom

CEO’s exit ‘sends chilling message to faith believers’

Essendon fan and Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli has indicated he may find a new club, saying if the departure of CEO Andrew Thorburn is a litmus test of the value and place of people of faith in Victoria, “then we are in big trouble”.