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Peace Sacraments

Want peace? Go to confession: Cardinal

Peacemaking begins in people’s own hearts by reconciling with themselves and God through the sacrament of confession, a Vatican cardinal said this week. Source: CNA.

Sacraments Sport

Brazilian soccer legend Ronaldo baptised at 46

Brazilian soccer legend Ronaldo Luís Nazario da Lima, nicknamed The Phenomenon, last week took a significant step in his life of faith by receiving the sacrament of Baptism. Source: The Catholic Leader.


New resource ‘breaks open’ profound aspects of Baptism

The Sydney Centre for Evangelisation has produced a new resource on Baptism, highlighting the central part it plays in the life of Christians and answering some common questions about the sacrament. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Pope Francis Sacraments

Confession is an encounter of love that defeats evil, Pope tells priests

In a world where “there is no shortage of hotbeds of hatred and revenge”, Pope Francis told priests and seminarians that “we confessors must multiply the ‘hotbeds of mercy’” by making it easy for people to access the sacrament of reconciliation. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis Sacraments

God lifts us up when we hit rock bottom: Pope

Pope Francis heard confessions at a parish in Rome on Friday and encouraged people to remember that God “holds out his hand and lifts us up whenever we realise that we are ‘hitting rock bottom’”. Source: CNA.

Africa Sacraments

Sharing secrets behind highest Mass attendance in the world

After Nigeria was recognised as having the highest Mass attendance in the world, the African nation’s youngest cardinal has shared some of the secrets behind his country’s vibrant sacramental life. Source: CNA.