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Social Services

Advisory council heralds new era for Centacare

The Centacare Catholic Family Services advisory council has met officially for the first time, heralding a new era for the South Australian organisation. Source: The Southern Cross.


Maronite Eparchy ordains two new deacons

The Maronite Eparchy of Australia, New Zealand and Oceania has celebrated the ordination of two new deacons, Ghassan Nakhoul and Sayed Issac.

Archaeology History

ACU digs deep to bring renowned archaeologist to Australia

World-renowned archaeologist and scholar Yossi Garfinkel will visit Australia this month as the inaugural Australian Catholic University Sir Asher Joel Fellow.

Pope Francis

Pope condemns ‘offensive’ allegations against St John Paul II

Pope Francis has criticised what he said were groundless and offensive accusations against St John Paul II, after the brother of a missing Italian teen aired an audiotape with the allegations on national television. Source: Crux.


Another decisive Vatican ‘no’ for German reformers

The Vatican has underlined that lay Catholics may not participate in the election of a bishop and has turned down another of the German synodal path initiative’s reform proposals. Source: The Tablet.

Africa Persecution

More than 50,000 Christians killed in Nigeria by Islamist extremists

More than 50,000 Christians have been killed in Nigeria since the outbreak of the Boko Haram Islamist insurgency in 2009, a new report published by a Nigerian non-governmental organisation has revealed. Source: Vatican News.

Church Life

Report reveals makeup of Australian Catholic population

A new National Centre for Pastoral Research report published today provides a comprehensive snapshot of the millions of people who identified as Catholic in the 2021 Australia Census. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


Catholic sector calls for nurses’ accommodation near hospitals

Catholic Health Australia is calling on Labor to re-establish targeted accommodation for nurses close to where they work in a bid to alleviate shortages and help hospitals retain staff. Source: The Australian.

Cyber safety

Cyber bullies dodge school mobile phone ban

Victorian students continue to dodge school mobile phone bans to watch porn, bully and secretly film each other, cyber safety experts warn. Source: Herald Sun.