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One million homes to be built under accord

Treasurer Jim Chalmers will use tonight’s federal Budget to outline plans for a housing accord between governments and private industry to build up to one million homes, with a particular focus on affordable homes. Source: The Age.


Funds approved for South Australia’s euthanasia laws

Specialist pharmacists and “care navigators” are being recruited with South Australia allocating $18 million over five years to implement new euthanasia laws. Source: AAP.

Human Rights

UN inspectors locked out of Australian prisons

Australia’s human rights reputation is in jeopardy after a United Nations anti-torture subcommittee suspended its visit when it was denied access to jails in New South Wales and inpatient units in Queensland. Source: The Guardian.

World Youth Day

Pope announces registration open for World Youth Day

With a click on a tablet in front of the crowd in St Peter’s Square, Pope Francis became the first person to register for the next World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal. Source: CNA.


Kidnappers release Cameroonian Catholics

Five priests, a religious sister and three laypeople who were kidnapped over a month ago in Cameroon have been freed in Nigeria. Source: Crux.


Seal of the confessional ‘cannot be compromised’

The lead bishop for safeguarding in England and Wales says mandatory reporting of disclosures of child abuse cannot break the seal of the confessional because it would turn the priest “from a minister of God to an agent of the state”. Source: The Tablet.

Foreign Aid

Caritas urges Government to increase foreign aid in Budget

Caritas Australia has called on the Albanese Government to honour its pre-election promises by increasing foreign aid in tomorrow’s federal Budget.


Australian shrine dedicated to St John Paul II opens

Relics of St John Paul II have been installed at St Patrick’s Catholic Church in East Gosford, which is now a permanent shrine to the Polish saint. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Church Life

Vatican II was necessary: Benedict XVI

The Second Vatican Council, which opened 60 years ago this month, was “not only meaningful, but necessary”, retired Pope Benedict XVI said. Source: CNS.