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Interfaith Pope Francis

Religions play crucial role in fostering fraternity, Pope tells Buddhists

Religions play a crucial role in fostering fraternity by promoting a culture of encounter, Pope Francis told a delegation of Buddhists who visited the Vatican yesterday. Source: Vatican News.


‘No ill feeling’ as meeting unable to finalise Voice wording

Indigenous leaders advising Anthony Albanese on the Voice were yesterday unable to reach agreement on the words that should be added to the Constitution to enshrine the advisory body. Source: The Australian.

HIgher Education

University orders staff to remove public display of rainbow flags

Librarians at the Australian Catholic University have been ordered to remove the public display of rainbow flags across campuses. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Disability Migrants

‘It’s a miracle’: Family saved days before deportation

Sydney parishioners the Donagemma family received the miracle they prayed for to help them stay in Australia days before they were due to be deported. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Housing Victoria

‘Big Build’ sees social housing stock grow by just 74 dwellings in four years

Victoria’s pool of social housing has grown by just 74 units in four years despite the government embarking on a multibillion-dollar “Big Housing Build” and a growing waitlist for homes. Source: The Guardian.


Stronger leadership team to bolster services around the country

Edmund Rice Education Australia will be strengthened in 2023 with several new hires appointed to its senior leadership team to bolster education services across Australia.  

Abuse crisis Europe

Polish Church condemns abuse charges against John Paul II

Polish Church leaders have reacted angrily to new claims that St John Paul II covered up clerical sexual abuse while serving as Archbishop of Krakow before his papal election and vowed to “defend his good name”. Source: The Tablet.


Liturgical elements must foster prayer, sense of communion: Pope

The aesthetic and artistic elements surrounding the liturgy must foster prayer and a sense of communion, Pope Francis said this week. Source: NCR Online.

Film Review

Queen documentary puts photographers in the picture

Devotees of the late Queen Elizabeth II and keen photographers alike will find plenty to like in Portrait of the Queen. Source: Australian Catholics.