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Anniversary Pope Francis

For my anniversary I would like the gift of peace: Pope

Pope Francis marked his 10th anniversary as pope yesterday with a private Mass with cardinals and an appearance on what Vatican News has dubbed a “popecast”. Source: CNA.


Catholics urged to speak up over possible funding cut to homeless

Catholics are being urged to speak up for the homeless and lobby for a continuation of federal funding that provides support workers for those seeking shelter. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Catholic school parents back changes to NAPLAN

Easier-to-read NAPLAN test results are being backed by the nation’s peak body for Catholic school parents, as 1.3 million Australian students have their reading, writing and maths skills assessed. Source: Yahoo News.

Ecology Interfaith

People of faith gather for fossil fuel Divestment Week of Action

A multi-faith prayer service was held at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta, on Thursday as part of a worldwide fossil fuel Divestment Week of Action, initiated by the global Catholic Laudato Si’ Movement. Source: Catholic Outlook.


Victorian doctors push to scrap euthanasia safeguards

A gag clause prohibiting physicians from initiating conversations about euthanasia with the terminally ill is one of many legislative safeguards that should be abolished, say advocates pushing for a major reform of Victoria’s voluntary assisted dying legislation. Source: The Age.

Bishops Youth

Mary helps us to be the best disciples of Jesus: Archbishop Costelloe

Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has told a gathering of British youth that the Church needs their energy, enthusiasm, restlessness and idealism. Source: The Record.


Australia’s welfare system puts disadvantaged at risk, inquiry told

Australia’s mutual obligation system for welfare risks “subjecting disadvantaged participants to unreasonably onerous and punitive conditions”, the Commonwealth Ombudsman has warned. Source: The Guardian.


German Church reform assembly calls for same-sex blessings

A meeting between Germany’s Catholic bishops and lay representatives agreed on Friday to call for the Church to approve blessings of same-sex unions. Source: NCR Online.

United Kingdom

Catholic Church pledges support to King Charles ahead of coronation

England’s Cardinal Vincent Nichols has pledged the Church’s “support and prayers” to King Charles III ahead of his May 6 coronation, as the new monarch praised the work of faith communities in national life. Source: OSV News.