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Education Religious Freedom

Catholic education concerned over proposed discrimination reforms

The National Catholic Education Commission is unhappy with the proposed reforms outlined by the Australian Law Reform Commission in its inquiry into religious educational institutions and anti-discrimination laws.

Bishops Synod

Bishops to play ‘crucial role’ in synodal process

In a letter addressed to the world’s Catholic bishops, the General Secretary and the General Relator of the Synod on Synodality have shared “considerations” on the role of bishops in the synodal process. Source: Vatican News.

Gambling New South Wales

ClubsNSW chief sacked over ‘Catholic gut’ comment

ClubsNSW has fired its chief executive, Josh Landis, after he triggered a political firestorm by linking New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet’s Catholic faith to his gambling crackdown. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Euthanasia Health

Accompanying the dying paramount for Catholic health providers

As voluntary assisted dying laws came into effect in South Australia this week, Catholic Health Australia has reiterated the focus of its members on “healing and accompanying the dying through excellent end-of-life care”. Source: The Southern Cross.


Police petition to ban protest at Cardinal Pell’s funeral

New South Wales police are seeking a court order to block a protest outside Cardinal George Pell’s funeral tomorrow because of “safety concerns”. Source: The Australian.

Africa Pope Francis

Pope begins Africa visit by condemning exploitation of continent 

Pope Francis kicked off a six-day visit to Africa yesterday with a harsh condemnation of the violent colonialist history of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the greedy exploitation of the African continent’s vast resources by wealthy global elites. Source: Crux.

Budget Finance

Chalmers taps banks and super to fix social disadvantage

Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers is working on plans to attract banks and superannuation funds to set up a social impact investing fund in the May Budget to tackle “entrenched disadvantage”. Source: Australian Financial Review.

Abuse crisis

L’Arche publishes Vanier abuse report

An independent commission set up by L’Arche International has released a report on the abuse carried out by Jean Vanier, the founder of the first L’Arche communities where people with and without learning disabilities live together. Source: The Tablet.


Videos to show rites and rituals of Japan’s ‘hidden Christians’

Descendants of Japanese Christians who endured persecution in the 17th to 19th centuries have launched an initiative to showcase traditional Christian rites and rituals, which they say are forgotten due to declining followers and modernisation. Source: UCA News.