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Education Victoria

Call to expand free teaching courses to Catholic schools

Victoria’s Catholic education body has called on the Andrews Government to expand its free teaching courses, arguing it will unfairly favour the state system and won’t fix the teacher shortage crisis. Source: Herald Sun.

Cost Of Living

Poorer Australians paying ‘poverty premium’ amid cost-of-living crisis

Australians on fixed or lower incomes are skipping meals and going without medicine, with new research revealing a “poverty premium” is being paid for essentials like petrol and groceries. Source: The New Daily.

Ministry Youth

New network aims to support leaders in youth ministry

A new national body – the Australian Catholic Youth Ministry Network – is set to foster and support leaders in Australia’s Catholic youth ministry community.

Church Life Women

Australian Catholic women echo global call for Church reform

Although Australian Catholic women are frustrated about discrimination, abuse and patriarchy in the Church, a study has exposed a surprising generational divide. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.


Men remain attracted to challenge of priesthood:  Archbishop Fisher

The year-on-year renewal of the Sydney Archdiocese’s clergy is not merely a happy statistic, but a sign that men remain attracted to the challenge of the celibate priesthood, Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP said at the ordination of two priests on Saturday. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Charity In The Dioceses Southeast Asia

Brisbane parishioners helping to build monastery in Timor-Leste

High in the mountains of Timor-Leste, a monastery is taking shape with support from missionary volunteers and donations from Brisbane parishioners. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Abuse crisis Europe

Vatican investigating Swiss bishops’ handling of abuse cases

The Swiss Bishops Conference has revealed an ongoing Vatican-ordered investigation into the handling of sexual abuse allegations by Church officials, with the inquiry expected to run until at least the end of the year. Source: CNA.

China Peace Vatican

Cardinal Zuppi to visit China as part of Ukraine peace mission 

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi will today begin a three-day visit to China as Pope Francis’ special envoy to seek peace in Ukraine. Source: Vatican News.

Disability Employment Pope Francis

Employers’ first job is to take care of their workers: Pope

Workers are human beings, not machines or “spare parts” to be used to drive production and profit at all costs, Pope Francis has told members of an organisation that advocates for people seriously injured or disabled on the job. Source: NCR Online.