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Articles By This Author

Architecture In The Dioceses

Restoration breathes new life into Old Cathedral

Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese vicar general Fr Tony Percy admitted to high emotion when he saw the fully restored Sts Peter and Paul’s Old Cathedral in Goulburn for the first time on Friday. Source: Goulburn Post.

Religious Orders

MGL priests and brothers elect new moderator

The Missionaries of God’s Love priests and brothers have elected Fr Stephen Fletcher MGL as their new moderator, replacing founder Fr Ken Barker as the congregation’s leader.

Aged Care

New training requirements for aged and disability care

Aged and disability care staff will be trained to give medication and report malnutrition and dehydration in elderly nursing home residents, in long-awaited changes recommended by the royal commission into abuse and neglect. Source: The Australian.

Mental Health

National study shows suicide prevention requires localised approach

A new study has mapped the prevalence of youth self-harm across Australia, identifying states and regions that need to be prioritised for self-harm and suicide prevention funding and support. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Members find Catholic superannuation fund just super

Catholic Super is bucking the trend when it comes to member satisfaction according to the latest superannuation satisfactory report. 

Catechesis Pope Francis

Pope invokes saints to explain spiritual consolation 

Pope Francis used the example of several Catholic saints to explain the concept of spiritual consolation during his weekly audience yesterday. Source: CNA.

Asia History

Historians discover 17th-century Japanese letter to Pope

A research team from Japan has discovered a letter from 17th-century Japanese Catholics to Pope Paul V, making it the first artifact of its kind found outside the Vatican. Source: UCA News.

Employment HIgher Education

ACU informs staff of $30m savings plan

Australian Catholic University will cut jobs, travel and consultancies to save $30 million next year as it suffers the financial impact of losing domestic students who have abandoned higher education to take jobs or travel. Source: The Australian.

Abuse crisis Safeguarding

Former Federal Court justice to chair appeals panel

Former Federal Court justice Duncan Kerr has today been announced as the new chair of the Church’s National Appeals and Review Panel. Source: Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd.