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Articles By This Author

Euthanasia Politics

Date set for territory rights vote

A late-night sitting of the Senate is set to resolve the 25-year fight to restore the rights of the ACT and Northern Territory to legislate on euthanasia. Source: Canberra Times.

In The Dioceses Priesthood

New priests, deacons for Melbourne

Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli ordained three new priests and three transitional deacons for the Melbourne Archdiocese at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Saturday. Source: Melbourne Catholic.


Catholic Health urges insurers to pay out more to members

Many of Australia’s biggest health insurance companies are failing to provide good value for customers by keeping too much of their premium revenue for themselves instead of paying it out to patients, says Catholic Health Australia.

Charity Governance

Pope appoints temporary administrator to Caritas Internationalis

Pope Francis has suspended the secretary-general and other top officers of Caritas Internationalis, appointing a temporary administrator to oversee management policies and to prepare for the election of new officers in May. Source: CNS.


Hackers steal student data from Xavier College

Hackers have threatened to publish the personal information of current and prospective students of Xavier College online after a cyberattack, the Melbourne Catholic boys school says. Source: The Age.

Interfaith Pope Francis

Pope, Vatican officials meet with World Jewish Congress

Christians and Jews are called to give witness to their faith by “working to make the world more fraternal, combating forms of inequality and promoting greater justice”, Pope Francis told members of the World Jewish Congress. Source: NCR Online.

United States

Catholic leaders respond to nightclub shooting

Catholic leaders in the United States have condemned an attack on an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado that killed at least five people and injured at least 25. Source: Crux.

Euthanasia Politics

Territory rights bill to face Senate vote

The Albanese Government is committed to sitting as long as it takes for legislation allowing territories to make their own laws on voluntary assisted dying to pass the Senate this year. Source: Canberra Times.

Appeal Natural disasters

Bishop McKenna launches Bathurst flood appeal

Bathurst Bishop Michael McKenna has launched an appeal for people and communities in Central West New South Wales who have been devastated by recent floods.