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New chief for Catholic Schools Parramatta

Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta has appointed Jack de Groot as its new executive director, replacing Greg Whitby who is retiring after 16 years in the top job. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Interfaith New South Wales

NSW Labor promises to establish faith affairs council

NSW Labor has promised to establish a faith affairs council that will report directly to the Minister for Multiculturalism if elected in March next year, with a broad remit to advise government on religious communities’ issues and priorities. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

First Nations

Reconciliation will be damaged if Voice fails: Burney

Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney says the path to reconciliation will be damaged if the Voice to Parliament referendum is rejected by the Australian people, but she remains confident it will succeed. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Lecture Philosophy

Modern conversation dominated by ‘tribalism and incendiary rhetoric’

ABC Religion and Ethics online editor Scott Stephens explored the idea of “relearning the art of gracious conversation” in his 2022 Simone Weil Lecture on Human Value in Melbourne. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Human Rights Sport

Church leaders raise concerns about human rights in Qatar

European Church leaders have urged awareness of human rights issues during the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, amid continued criticism that the Gulf state was allowed to host the tournament. Source: Crux.

Germany Synodality

Questions about Synodal Path dominate German bishops ‘ad limina’

The German bishops’ meeting with officials of the Roman Curia last week was not a “showdown” but it did make clear the Vatican’s strong concerns about Germany’s Synodal Path, said the president of the bishops’ conference. Source: CNS.

United States

New US bishops president ‘happy’ to meet with Biden

The new president of the United States bishops says he’d be “happy” to meet with President Joe Biden, a Catholic whose position on abortion, transgenderism and gay marriage is sharply at odds with Church teaching. Source: CNA.

Education In The Dioceses

Bishop Gauci deeply concerned over discrimination laws

Darwin Bishop Charles Gauci says he will consider closing Catholic schools in his diocese if the Northern Territory Government presses ahead with laws that would strip schools of the right to hire employees based on faith. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Crime Tragedy

Sr Phil’s family in court to hear MH17 guilty verdict

Sr Philomene Tiernan RSCJ was a force to be reckoned with, patient, determined and strong, but to Dermot Tiernan she was simply his Aunty Phil. Source: Margaret River Mail.