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Honours Seniors

Palliative care ‘apostle’ Plane lands Senior Australian of the Year award

For former nurse Teresa Plane, being named the New South Wales Senior Australian of the Year for 2023 is a God-given opportunity to promote her passion for palliative care. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Charity Resignation

Vinnies NSW chief announces resignation

St Vincent de Paul Society NSW chief executive officer Jack de Groot has announced his resignation after six years leading the organisation’s response to the needs of people experiencing poverty and disadvantage.

Charity Women

Fundraiser for women raises $100,000 in one day

Caritas Australia’s “Women for the World” event brought Australians together to stand in solidarity with their sisters across the globe, raising $106,000 in just one day for programs supporting women and girls.


Funding boost for Good Sams’ crisis refuge for women and children 

The Good Samaritan Inn’s vision to expand its residential services for women and children fleeing family violence or homelessness is edging closer to reality, thanks to a Victorian Government grant and a donation from Marist Sisters Australia. Source: The Good Oil.

Disability Politics

Former NDIS minister says two changes can ‘save’ scheme

The Albanese Government must wrestle back control of the levers that can contain the surging costs of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in order to “save” it, a former Liberal NDIS minister has said. Source: The Canberra Times.


Dutch cardinal asks Vatican to issue encyclical on gender theory

Dutch Cardinal Willem Eijk has asked Pope Francis to issue an encyclical about gender theory, which he said “is being pushed in all kinds of organisations and we as a Church have not said much about it”. Source: The Tablet.

Asia Vatican

We must be realistic on engagement with China: Vatican official

An official who works in the Vatican office overseeing mission territories in Asia, Africa and the developing world says the Church must be “realistic” in its engagement with authoritarian governments, such as in China and Vietnam. Source: Crux.

Plenary Council Synodality

Bishops formally approve Plenary Council acts, decrees

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has formally approved the acts and decrees of the Fifth Plenary Council, which will now be sent to the Apostolic See for review. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Persecution Religious Freedom

Pontifical foundation sees red over persecution of Christians

Australian cathedrals will be illuminated in red next week as part of the international Red Wednesday campaign to call attention to religious freedom and persecuted Christians. Source: ACN.