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Ecology Environment

Caritas Internationalis launches ‘Global Year of Action’ on climate change

Caritas Internationalis has launched a Global Year of Action on climate change, to empower individuals and communities to use their voices to address urgent environmental challenges and create a sustainable, socially just future. Source: Caritas Australia.

Charity Environment Pope Francis

Caritas Australia backs Pope’s ‘ecological vision’

Caritas Australia has welcomed Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, To All People of Good Will on the Climate Crisis, which was released on Wednesday.

Ecology Environment

Francis urges dramatic action to combat climate change

Warning that “the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point”, Pope Francis yesterday released a new document urging dramatic action to combat climate change. Source: Crux.

Environment Poverty

Resources Minister warns against decreasing gas supply too quickly

Resources Minister Madeleine King has warned that decreasing gas supply faster than demand will lead to “shortages, supply disruptions and high prices”, while also “worsening poverty and inequality”. Source: The Australian.

Environment Pope Francis

Pope’s new letter to be titled Laudate Deum

Pope Francis’ new letter on the environment will be titled Laudate Deum (Praise God), a frequent refrain in several psalms, including Psalm 148, which tells the heavens, angels, sun and the moon to praise the Lord. Source: CNS.

Environment In The Dioceses

Parish community garden grounded in faith

When the parishioners of one Parramatta Diocese parish responded to Pope Francis’ call to “care for our common home”, little did they realise their parish garden would boost both body and spirit. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Environment Synod

Synod office announces plan to reduce assembly’s carbon footprint

With more than 450 people gathering at the Vatican from around the world for a month-long meeting, the General Secretariat of the Synod said it is taking action to reduce the environmental impact of the Synod assembly. Source: NCR Online.

Ecology Environment

Church leaders demand ‘ecological justice’

As the annual Season of Creation began on September 1, Church leaders around the world called for ecological justice. Source: The Tablet.

Ecology Environment Pope Francis

Second Laudato Si’ document be released in October

Pope Francis will release a follow-up document to his 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’ on ecology and the environment on October 4, the feast day of St Francis of Assisi. Source: NCR Online.