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Disabilities expert says scheme not a ‘magic pudding’

The National Disability Insurance Scheme has become a “magic pudding” for governments, service providers and some people with a disability, the head of the Albanese Government’s NDIS review warns. Source: The Australian.

Education Queensland

Union says strike at Catholic schools triggered by ‘workload crisis’

More than 4000 teachers and support staff at 106 Queensland Catholic schools will strike for an hour on Wednesday – the second industrial action in 10 days. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Greiner calls for end to limbo for refugees

Former New South Wales Liberal premier Nick Greiner has urged federal leaders to end the limbo for refugees who have arrived in Australia by boat. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.


Self-exclusion register helps problem gamblers help themselves

A new service will help people struggling with gambling to cut themselves off from placing bets with the launch of the national self-exclusion register, BetStop. Source:

Books People

Dorothy Day’s life shows evangelising power of charity, witness, love: Pope

Dorothy Day was “a great witness to faith, hope and charity in the 20th century”, a woman who loved the Church despite the flaws of its members and who knew that serving God meant serving the poor and working for justice, Pope Francis has written. Source: NCR Online.


German cardinal disappointed over staff’s attempts to access pornography

German Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki has expressed profound disappointment over an internal IT report finding that employees in his Cologne Archdiocese had attempted to access pornographic websites. Source: National Catholic Register.


Intergenerational Report projects government spending will rise by $140bn

Health, aged care, disability, defence and interest payments on debt will account for half of Commonwealth spending in 40 years’ time, according to an expert from the Intergenerational Report, to be released this week. Source: ABC News.


Church agencies unite to provide homes for those in need

Vacant land on Tasmania’s northwest coast has been transformed into homes for those in need, thanks to a partnership between the local parish, CatholicCare Tasmania and Centacare Evolve Housing. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

In The Dioceses

Church holds ‘Day of prayer and reflection’ after tragic deaths of three locals

A “Day of prayer and reflection” was held at St Joseph’s Church in Korumburra, Victoria, on Saturday following the deaths of three locals in a tragedy that affected the small community and surrounding area. Source: South Gippsland Sentinel-Times.