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Pearson will ‘fall silent’ if Voice referendum fails

Indigenous advocate Noel Pearson says a rejection of the Voice to Parliament would represent a failure of a whole generation of Indigenous leadership, saying it would then be up to a new generation to chart a different way forward. Source: ABC News.

Disaster Pacific

Auckland Catholics launch appeal for victims of Cyclone Gabrielle

Auckland Diocese has launched an appeal to help Cyclone Gabrielle victims in the Hamilton and Palmerston North dioceses. Source: NZ Catholic.

Pope Francis Science Technology

Pope asks academy to study ethics of new technologies

Pope Francis told the Pontifical Academy for Life yesterday that it faces an enormous task in evaluating the ethics of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and human enhancement. Source: National Catholic Register.

Family Violence Politics

Labor considered using quarantine facilities as domestic violence shelters

The Federal Government has considered transforming quarantine facilities built during the pandemic into emergency shelters for people fleeing domestic violence, according to documents obtained under freedom of information laws. Source: The Guardian.

Benedict XVI

Benedict’s ‘lost lectures’ collected in new book

Six lectures of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger were almost lost forever. But now they have been collected in a new book, The Divine Project: Reflections on Creation and Church. Source: CNA.

Human Rights India

Church leader hails crackdown on ‘social evil’ of child marriages in India

A Catholic bishop has hailed the move to curb child marriages in India’s northeastern state of Assam, amid international agencies reporting millions of child marriages in the country. Source: UCA News.


Francis finds similarities between Lenten and synodal journeys

In his annual message for Lent, Pope Francis highlights the relationship between the Lenten journey and the synodal journey, which he says are both rooted in tradition and open to newness. Source: Vatican News.


Science and faith ‘share core values and purpose capable of healing the world’

A Melbourne Catholic school has taken part in the launch of a new Laudato Si’ resource from the Vatican, titled Our common home: A guide to caring for our living planet. Source: Mercy EcoCommunications.

Disaster Pacific

Prime Minister says New Zealand facing tough recovery 

New Zealand has a steep mountain to climb as a tough recovery begins in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle, Prime Minister Chris Hipkins said, confirming 11 people have died with more fatalities possible. Source: Stuff.