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Archbishop joins board of peak Catholic health body
Hobart Archbishop Julian Porteous is joining the board of Catholic Health Australia, saying that advocating and defending the mission of Catholic health and aged care operations is more important than ever.
NZ bishops issue guidelines to support young people
The Catholic bishops of Aotearoa New Zealand have published new guidelines for the country’s 235 Catholic schools to support young people with regard to sexual diversity. Source: NZCBC.
Pacific storm brewing as climate and debt crises collide
The Pacific region is facing a perfect storm of climate change-induced disasters and skyrocketing debt burdens, according to a new report. Source: Caritas Oceania.
All-schools competition kicks off next year
Athletes from public, private and Catholic secondary schools will compete against each other for the first time next year, at an event tipped to draw huge numbers. Source: Bendigo News.
Pope asks for prayers for a synodal Church
In his prayer intention for October, Pope Francis has asked that the Church be one of synodality, which means walking together, along the same road.
Church in Vietnam to focus on migrant communities
Catholic priests from all dioceses in Vietnam attending a major national conference have been told to work together and prioritise care for migrant communities at home and abroad. Source: UCAnews.
Fair Catholic Funding election campaign launched
Catholic school parents and principals are being urged to get behind a campaign to pressure Victoria’s major parties into a record $800 million election funding commitment to upgrade dilapidated school buildings. Source: The Age.
Vatican announces theme for World Communications Day
Pope Francis has chosen the theme for the Church’s next World Communications Day, calling for a peaceful dialogue that allows for uncomfortable truths to be spoken of without resorting to hostile debate. Source: NCR Online.
Prayer, preparations ahead of Adelaide’s assembly
Adelaide Archdiocese is preparing for this month’s Diocesan Assembly, with Archbishop Patrick O’Regan asking parishes, communities and schools to pray for the assembly at “every opportunity”. Source: The Southern Cross.