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Interfaith Religious Freedom

Religious freedom debate ‘should aim to unite, not divide’ 

Discussions about religious freedom in Australia should aim to unite the nation rather than divide it, guests at the Australian Catholic University’s sixth Parliamentary Interfaith Breakfast have heard.

Human Rights Migrants Refugees

Exploitation of migrant workers happening across Australia

Migrants and refugees working in New South Wales’ Hunter region face complex challenges, including wage theft, according to new research by the University of Newcastle in collaboration with Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH).

In The Dioceses Poverty

Street Feast celebrates World Day of the Poor 

Sydney’s Street Feast at St Mary’s Cathedral forecourt has celebrated the inspiring work of the Church in its outreach day in and day out to those who are doing it tough. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Natural disasters South East Asia

More than 50,000 Indonesians displaced by deadly earthquake

Caritas agencies are responding after more than 50,000 people were displaced in the wake of the magnitude 5.6 earthquake that struck Indonesia this week. Source: Caritas Australia.

Peace Vatican

Peace can be attained only through dialogue: Archbishop Gallagher

War can be prevented by promoting social progress for the new generations, Vatican Secretary for Relations with States and International Organisations Archbishop Paul Gallagher said this week. Source: Vatican News.

Film Review

The funny side of Jewish comic’s decision to become Catholic 

Reste Un Peu (Stay With Us) is an autobiographical French comedy about a Jewish comedian who decides to become Catholic. His family strenuously objects and pressures him to “stay with us”, giving meaning to the film’s title. Source: Australian Catholics.


Pope’s appointment of administrator will not affect Caritas Australia

The appointment of a temporary administrator of Caritas Internationalis will not affect the mission and work of Caritas Australia, says the humanitarian organisation’s chief Kirsty Robertson. Source: The Southern Cross.

Religious Freedom

Northern Territory Parliament passes anti-discrimination bill

After hours of fierce debate and despite a strong backlash from religious groups, the Northern Territory Parliament has passed a suite of amendments to anti-discrimination laws. Source: ABC News.

Architecture In The Dioceses

Restoration breathes new life into Old Cathedral

Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese vicar general Fr Tony Percy admitted to high emotion when he saw the fully restored Sts Peter and Paul’s Old Cathedral in Goulburn for the first time on Friday. Source: Goulburn Post.