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Goulburn’s Old Cathedral reveals more hidden treasures

In the final stages of the restoration of Sts Peter and Paul’s Old Cathedral in Goulburn, more historic treasures have come to light. Source: About Regional.


Catholic schools’ musical prompts parent backlash

Sydney Catholic Schools says “with the benefit of hindsight” it would not have staged a musical portraying a disrespect for authority and a same-sex relationship for its system-wide production. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.


Good Sam recognised for outstanding contribution

Good Samaritan Sister Catherine Slattery has been awarded the 2022 Brother Kelvin Canavan Catholic School Leadership Award in recognition of her outstanding contribution to Catholic education.

World Youth Day

Vatican lays the groundwork for World Youth Day

Ahead of World Youth Day 2023, a Vatican official has praised the creativity of youth and said they ought to be protagonists not only in the event, but also in the organisational process. Source: Crux.

Clergy World

US priests don’t trust their bishops, study finds

Priests in the United States have a “crisis of trust” toward their bishops as well as fear that if they were falsely accused of abuse, prelates would immediately throw them “under the bus”, a new study reveals. Source: CNS.

Synod World

Cardinal Kasper says Germany’s synodal path has failed

Cardinal Walter Kasper, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, says the German way forward on its “synodal path” is a failure. Source: The Tablet.

Family Violence Social Services

Catholic organisations welcome plan to end domestic violence

Catholic organisations have welcomed the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022-2032, released by the Albanese Government this week.

Migrants Religious Freedom

Tehan warns migrants might not come to Australia

Opposition immigration spokesman Dan Tehan says migrants with religious views may be deterred from coming to Australia because political correctness has eroded their freedoms and cowed others from speaking out in defence. Source: The Australian.

Archives In The Dioceses

Diocesan archivists gather in Canberra for annual meeting

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB last week thanked diocesan archivists from across Australia for their “significant contribution to preserving the cultural patrimony of the Catholic Church”. Source: ACBC Media Blog.