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Aged Care

Major providers push for rich to pay more for aged care

The Albanese Government has commissioned advice on a possible overhaul of the financial model for the aged care sector, which would force wealthy Australians to pay more for services in a bid to underwrite the ­sector’s viability. Source: The Australian.

Budget Cost Of Living

Chalmers promises Budget relief after shock rate rise

Struggling households are being promised a substantial cost-of-living relief package in next week’s federal Budget after a shock decision by the Reserve Bank to drive official interest rates to an 11-year high. Source: The Age.


Catholic parents and agencies welcome crackdown on vapes

Catholic health providers and parent groups have welcomed a national crackdown on the illegal sales of vapes and e-cigarettes announced by Health Minister Mark Butler yesterday. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

In The Dioceses Youth

Young people testify to faith on Good Friday Night Walk

Young people from across Parramatta Diocese demonstrated how strongly they value faith and community as they joyfully walked 23 kilometres on the annual Catholic Youth Parramatta Good Friday Night Walk. Source: Catholic Outlook.

HIgher Education

Mum graduates from uni nearly 30 years after dropping out of high school 

Canberra mum Nicole Seifert has graduated from university nearly three decades after she dropped out of high school, not least because a teacher told her she was “dragging the class behind”. Source: Canberra Times.

Pope Francis Prayer

Pope’s prayer intention for ‘a treasure that renews the Church’

Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the month of May is for ecclesial movements and groups, which he describes as a treasure that renews the Church. Source: CNA.

Digital Life Pope Francis

Pope calls for preservation of Church’s audio-visual collection

Pope Francis is calling for the commitment of the entire Church community to preserve the Church’s historical audio-visual records. Source: Vatican News. 


Catholic bishops plea for end to fighting in Sudan

The people of Sudan are suffering and yearning for peace, according to Archbishop Stephen Ameyu Martin Mula of Juba Archdiocese in South Sudan. Source: The Tablet.

East Asia

Hong Kong bishop clarifies ‘loving one’s country and Church’ remark

Hong Kong Bishop Stephen Chow Sau-yan SJ has clarified the remark he made on “loving one’s country and Church” during his recent much-publicised visit to Beijing that sparked controversies. Source: UCA News.