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Pope Francis Vatican

Pope responds to cardinals on female priests, same-sex blessings

Pope Francis has addressed issues surrounding the authority of the Synod on Synodality, women’s ordination and blessing homosexual unions in a response to a “dubia” letter sent to him by five cardinals seeking clarification on doctrinal questions. Source OSV News.

Eastern Rite Martyrs

Melkite Patriarch to visit Australia

Melkite Patriarch Joseph Absi will visit Australia and New Zealand in November and December at the invitation of the Pontifical Foundation, Aid to the Church in Need.

Opinion Synod

Synod discussions aim to breathe new life into the Church

The discussions at the Synod of Synodality’s first assembly, and any decisions made after the Synod concludes with a second assembly in 2024, are meant to breathe new life into the Church at every level, writes Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB. Source: The eRecord.

First Nations Politics

Early voting opens for Voice to Parliament referendum

Campaigners for both sides of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum have hit the hustings as early voting opens across the country. Source: The Guardian.

Mental Health

New data ‘shows need’ for specialised bereavement support 

New Australian Bureau of Statistics causes of death data shows that the suicide rate has increased over the past decade, pointing to the need for evidence-based and compassionate support to care for the mental health and wellbeing of people affected by suicide loss, says Jesuit Social Services.

Environment Poverty

Resources Minister warns against decreasing gas supply too quickly

Resources Minister Madeleine King has warned that decreasing gas supply faster than demand will lead to “shortages, supply disruptions and high prices”, while also “worsening poverty and inequality”. Source: The Australian.

Couples For The Diary

Retreat shows couples You Are Not Alone

Kevin and Helen Wagner were so ready for children after their marriage in 2005 that Helen “sobbed for days” the first time she realised they had not conceived. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Disability Europe Pilgrimage

Wheelchair pilgrims call for Camino improvements

A group of Spanish pilgrims with motor neurone disease are lobbying for improved access for wheelchair users on the Camino de Santiago. Source: The Tablet.

North America

Ten killed, 60 injured after church roof collapses in Mexico

The collapse of a Catholic church roof during a service in northern Mexico has killed at least 10 people and injured 60, and searchers said yesterday that no further people were believed to be trapped in the wreckage. Source: NCR Online.