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Charity Foreign Aid

Caritas welcomes Government’s gender and climate targets for foreign aid

Caritas Australia has welcomed the Albanese Government’s commitment to climate action and gender equality as key drivers of the new International Development Policy released yesterday.

Peace Science

Pope to focus on AI in World Peace Day message

Signalling the Vatican’s growing engagement in efforts to ensure the ethical development of new technologies, the Vatican has announced that “Artificial Intelligence and Peace” will be the theme for the next World Day of Peace. Source: NCR Online.

Disability Immigration

Greens call for end to ‘unconscionable’ deportation of migrants with disability

The Greens are pushing to scrap an “unconscionable” policy that means migrant families face deportation if a child in that family was born with a disability. Source: SBS News.

Health Politics

Gallagher takes swipe at Pocock over support for Calvary inquiry

Finance Minister Katy Gallagher has taken a swipe at independent ACT Senator David Pocock for supporting the expansion of a federal parliamentary inquiry into a bill to compel an ACT Government inquiry into the takeover of Calvary Public Hospital Bruce. Source: Canberra Times.

Homelessness Opinion

Addressing the issue of ‘no fixed address’

As we mark Homelessness Week, we need to imagine the pain and isolation that are synonymous with not having a roof over our heads, writes Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ. Source: Australian Jesuits.

Feast Day In The Dioceses

Cross the centrepiece for St Mary MacKillop feast day

A 2.7m high cross made from the floorboards of the first school established by Mary MacKillop in Penola was the centrepiece of the feast day Mass for Australia’s first saint at an Adelaide parish yesterday. Source: The Southern Cross.

People Social media

Fr Sam goes viral on TikTok

Not too long ago, Fr Sam French deleted his social media accounts and ditched his iPhone. Today, he’s reaching more than one million young people a month with viral videos about the priesthood and the Catholic faith. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


From Wollongong to Glasgow: Vatican cycling team back on the road

The Vatican’s cycling team has again taken to competing in an international tournament, following its debut in Wollongong last year. Source: Vatican News.


Francis changes canon law on Opus Dei and any future personal prelatures

Pope Francis has changed canon law regarding the governance of Opus Dei and any future personal prelatures. Source: CNA.