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Education Pope Francis

Edmund Rice schools join Pope’s education initiative

The global network of Edmund Rice schools, including Edmund Rice Education Australia, has partnered with Pope Francis’ education initiative, Scholas Occurrentes. Source: EREA


Advocates call for laws to help halve child poverty by 2030

Australia has a serious and little-acknowledged problem with poverty and should follow New Zealand’s lead to legislate to halve child poverty by 2030, advocates say. Source: The Australian.


Affordable housing laws will be ready ‘in next few months’

The first homes for essential workers and vulnerable Australians financed by Labor’s new housing fund will not have foundations dug and frames up until the end of next year. Source: The Age.


Last call for Areté Centre 2023 program

There are just two weeks left for people to apply for the Areté Centre for Missionary Leadership’s Foundation of Missionary Leadership Program for 2023, with applications to close on October 31.

Euthanasia World

Scottish archbishop says ‘assisted dying’ bill misleading

Efforts to legalise euthanasia in Scotland send the message that lives with suffering “can be considered no longer worth living,” according to the Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh. Source: Crux.

Vatican World

Vatican to return three ancient mummies to Peru

Following his audience with Pope Francis, Peru’s foreign minister signed an agreement with the Vatican to repatriate three Peruvian mummies dating from pre-Hispanic civilisations. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis Synod

Pope extends Synod on Synodality to 2024

Pope Francis announced yesterday that the Synod of Bishops on Synodality will be extended by a year, with the assembly meetings to be held in Rome over two sessions in October 2023 and October 2024. Source: CNA.

Religious Freedom

Albanese urged to protect religious beliefs in law

Faith leaders are urging Anthony Albanese to reverse his opposition to a “statements of belief” clause in religious discrimination laws to protect people of faith from being sacked over voicing their beliefs. Source: The Australian.

For The Diary

Last chance to register for Evangelise conference

Catholics around Australia are encouraged to register for the Evangelise online conference which begins on Thursday. Source: ACBC Media Blog.