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New document highlights Catholics, Jews ‘walking together’

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has launched a new document to highlight Christianity’s unique relationship with Judaism and to celebrate the positive relationship the two faiths enjoy in Australia. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

First Nations Opinion

Stepping towards referendum on Voice to Parliament

What are Catholics to think about the proposed referendum on the Voice to Parliament, asks Fr Frank Brennan SJ. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

In The Dioceses Youth

Answering ‘the most asked question in the life of the Church’

In his 2023 Patrick Oration, Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli called on the People of God to “rediscover the young Church”. Source: Melbourne Catholic.


Six end their lives, 32 seek access to euthanasia in South Australia

At least six terminally ill South Australians have ended their lives since euthanasia legislation was enacted in the state on January 31. Source: The Advertiser.


New figures expose depth of Australia’s poverty crisis

One in eight Australians are living in poverty, with 60 per cent of people receiving JobSeeker support payments living on average $269 per week below the poverty line. Source: The Australian.

Liturgy Music

New Mass setting evokes care for ‘Our Common Home’

Not many priests can say they’ve concelebrated Mass at a cathedral while a Mass setting they have composed is making its debut – but Jesuit Fr Christopher Willcock can. Source: Sandpiper.

Abuse crisis United States

New ministries take Christ to abuse survivors to promote healing

A US archdiocese has introduced two new ministries to promote healing for those harmed by clergy abuse. Source: OSV News.

Persecution United Nations

Holy See raises plight of people facing religious persecution

Addressing the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, the Vatican representative at the UN has highlighted the ongoing plight of people being persecuted for their religious beliefs. Source: Vatican News.

Canon Law United States

British come to priest’s rescue in US canon law dispute

A popular canon law website will continue to offer its content to the public despite fears that it would have to shut down because of a copyright dispute over its English translation of the Church’s Code of Canon Law. Source: CNA.