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First Nations Politics

NATSICC reiterates support for Yes vote as PM locks in October 14

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has confirmed October 14 as the date for the historic Voice to Parliament referendum. Source: The Age.


Reports outline possible models for pastoral councils in Australia

The National Centre for Pastoral Research has published a pair of reports on pastoral councils, as part of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference’s response to a review of Church governance. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Ecology Environment Pope Francis

Second Laudato Si’ document be released in October

Pope Francis will release a follow-up document to his 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’ on ecology and the environment on October 4, the feast day of St Francis of Assisi. Source: NCR Online. 


More Victorians choosing to access euthanasia

More than 300 Victorians died using state euthanasia laws last financial year, an increase of 11 per cent from the previous year. Source: AAP.


Government looks for ways to stop kids accessing pornography

Digital IDs, voice scans and facial recognition software could be considered as part of an “age assurance” trial under consideration by the Commonwealth in a bid to stop children accessing pornography online. Source: The Australian.

Charity Cost Of Living

Service widens as two new Vinnies Vans hit the road

Every month for years, Verbum Dei Missionary priest Fr Greg Morgan has swapped his chasuble for a hi-vis vest and got behind the wheel of one of Sydney’s Vinnies Vans. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Legal Matters United States

McCarrick not competent to stand trial on abuse charges

A judge has ruled that former cardinal Theodore McCarrick is not competent to stand trial on criminal sexual abuse charges in Massachusetts. Source: CNA.

Catechesis Pope Francis Saints

Native American saint a model for responding to God’s call: Pope

Like St Kateri Tekakwitha, the first native North American woman to be canonised, all Christians must embrace their unique call to service of God and neighbour as well as the personal crosses that come with it, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNS.

North America

Church in Mexico prays with relatives of ‘the disappeared’

The Church in Mexico held various prayer initiatives last week with the relatives of victims of forced disappearance, a crime that has plagued the country in recent decades. Source: National Catholic Register.