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Ecology Opinion

Pacific nations struggling with climate change must be compensated

Increasingly frequent and severe weather events are leaving Pacific Island nations struggling to rebuild but accessing funds to adapt to climate change is a challenge, writes Tongan Cardinal Soane Patita Paini Mafi. Source: Eureka Street.

Human Rights

Commission proposes model for human rights laws

Politicians and public servants could soon be forced to consider human rights in policy-making and decision-making processes if a push to establish human rights laws is adopted by the Albanese Government. Source: Canberra Times.

Modern Slavery

Catholics attend event to mark milestone in fight against modern slavery

The Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network was represented at an event convened by Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus to mark the 10th anniversary of royal assent of modern slavery offences in Australia’s criminal code.

Liturgy Music

Liturgy and music conference to be a ‘communal action’

Its organisers say every person who sits in a pew on a Sunday could easily take something away from the National Liturgy and Music Conference, to be held in Brisbane from September 28 to 30. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Housing In The Dioceses

Diocese scores a home run for the Hunter

Maitland-Newcastle Diocese has established a new entity, Hunter Community Housing, which reinforces its strong commitment to reducing homelessness by expanding its social, affordable and disability housing portfolio. Source: MNnews.Today. 

First Nations Politics

Wyatt warns Albanese to change tack on the Voice

Ken Wyatt, a key adviser to the Government on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, has warned Anthony Albanese to change tack and spell out fundamental details on the advisory body as concerns mount the Yes campaign is “losing ground”. Source: The Australian. 


‘Nun Run’ the next step for women considering religious life

More than 20 young women considering religious life took part in the annual “Nun Run” last weekend, gaining a rare insight into the life and formation of communities in Sydney. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Pope Francis Vatican

Pope appoints five cardinals to advisory council

Pope Francis has revamped his advisory body of cardinals by appointing five new members, including Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, one of the leaders of the global synod process. Source: The Tablet.

History Vatican

Vatican to return fragments of Parthenon statues to Greece

The Vatican and Greece yesterday finalised a deal for the return of three sculpture fragments from the Parthenon that have been in the Vatican Museums’ collection for two centuries. Source: NCR Online.